Fitting Windows


Fitting Kit - Buy separately

  • Winbond Ultra Cure Cartridge Kit - Glazing Adhesive
  • Knock on Trim for 2-4mm Edge
  • Primer and Applicator
  • Glass Wipe

TOTAL: £549.97

I’m not sure if it was because the windows cost a lot of money, the pressure of having to get the job right the first time or lack of confidence in my ability (or all three) but fitting replacement windows on the van was so incredibly stressful. What a treat that I had to repeat the process five times...

Although the current windows on the van are tinted, they’re made of plastic, presumably to stop them getting smashed in when it was a riot van, so I wanted to replace them with some nice tinted glass windows.

Other than the big side panels on both sides of the van and the two rear door windows, I also have a small little window to the rear of the side door. Due to stock issues and also having a really hard time trying to find a replacement window for this small window, I ended up buying my windows from three different companies. 

The Windows


The contents of a package from VanPimps, including window panes wrapped in bubble wrap
Package from VanPimps

I got the left and right side panel windows from VanPimps. I bought tinted windows and made sure the driver side window had a little sliding window within it. I’m planning on building the kitchen below that window so I thought it a good idea to have some extra ventilation. Both windows came in a package together along with a free installation kit, including sealant, primer and interior trim.

The windows were competitively priced at £264.97 but with £20 postage on top. Ironically, VanPimps were the only place that charged postage and the windows turned up in the worst condition - the box was damaged, the panels were only wrapped in bubble wrap and the installation kit’s contents were strewn about the place. In fact, one of the bottles of adhesive had been bashed in so much that it wasn't usable. Luckily the windows themselves survived the journey with no damage.

The contents of a package from VanPimps, including window panes and a fixing kit in a separate box.
Package from VanDemon


I bought my rear two door windows from VanDemon. Like VanPimps, they offered a package with both left and right windows, along with a free installation kit. They also charged £0 for postage! The total cost was £170.00.

The windows arrived incredibly well packaged and the installation kit came in a separate box.


After scouring the web for absolutely ages, I managed to find a window that was similar in size to my custom little window. This replacement window is slightly longer but it’s the best I could find. Again, they offered free postage however the window didn’t come with an installation kit.

They arrived in packaging very similar to VanDemon but with the added bonus of a little bag of Haribo!

Removing Windows

A putty knife stuck in the frame of a van window whilst trying to remove the sealant

Removing the windows proved to be far more troublesome than I thought. After browsing the web for ages, I couldn’t really find a lot of information on removing windows, only fitting them. One article I did come across recommended just smashing the old windows then removing the sealant around the frame. Obviously I couldn’t do that with plastic windows.

After trying cheese wire and some weird scraper tool meant for windscreens, I eventually had some success with a heat gun and a putty knife. I ended up heating the plastic window from the outside, directly over where the sealant had been applied, and then from the inside, I pierced a putty knife through, then I slowly worked my way round the whole window.

It was painstakingly slow and repetitive (and hot!) but I eventually got each window off.

Once the windows were off, I went around the frame with a sharp blade in order to remove as much remaining sealant as possible.

Finally, I used some ‘Pink Stuff’ abrasive cleaning paste to clean the area and help remove any remaining sealant.

A newly fitted van window being supported by blue tape whilst it dries

Fitting the Windows

I didn’t have a work bench, so I placed the window on two chairs with bubble wrap on top. I also bought a suction cup and made sure that was in place on the window beforehand too.

The first step was to use the glass wipe that came with the installation kit to clean the surface of the window of any dirt.

Once done, the next step was to apply the primer to the window and to the van where the window would be placed. For the window, you want to try and add a nice consistent line around the frame of the window, about 2/3 centimetres in from the edge of the pane. The best way to do this is to pinch your fingers about an inch up the primer applicator then press your finger up against the edge of the pane and slowly and smoothly work your way around the entire edge of the window. You’ll need to wait for the primer to dry before applying the sealant, but it dries very quickly.

Next, the sealant… You don’t want to start applying the sealant at the top of the window. Starting and ending at the top just increases the chance of gaps which means water will get through. You'll notice that the nozzle for the sealant has a V shape cut out of it, try and keep the V facing up as you apply the sealant and this will create a nicely formed triangular shape as you apply the sealant. You also want to try and apply the sealant in an even and continuous line directly on top of the primer. When you get to the end, go past the starting point by an inch or so  to join.

It’s fitting time! Pick up the window and press into place on the van. Put pressure on each side of the window to make sure it’s stuck fast. I applied some strips of tape to the top of the window and slid some pieces of cardboard underneath the window to make sure there was a couple of millimetres of space between the window and the side of the van.

It’s recommended that you don’t drive the van for at least 3-4 hours whilst the sealant sets.

The next day, the moment of truth - the water test. I used a watering can and a hose to spray water at the window to ensure there were no leaks. Luckily there were none!

If you have any questions at all, feel free to ping me an email or drop me a message on Instagram!